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miniEnterprize 2019

February 9th, 2019

Letter from the President

Dear Delegates,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the 11th annual miniEnterprize 2019 Youth Business Conference. Since it was founded in 2009, miniEnterprize has grown to become one of the largest business conferences within the Greater Vancouver Region, having impacted the lives of more than a thousand students, educators, and business professionals.

Our Executive Team has worked tirelessly these past months in order to provide the best conference experience possible, and we are excited to finally be sharing our work with you. Whether you are an avid student entrepreneur or someone who has just encountered the term "entrepreneur", miniEnterprize will challenge the limits of what you can achieve and inspire you to explore more opportunities around you. We are constantly evolving the miniEnterprize program to adapt to latest trends and student interest. This year, adjustments are being made in areas such as delegate engagement and conference logistics, with interactive workshops, additional activities, and case competition advice prior to and after the conference.

Back when I first participated in miniEnterprize, I remember being immediately drawn into this environment. Whether it was being inspired by the stories of a young entrepreneur or learning from the constructive feedback of my judges - I felt I always left these conferences with an understanding better than before of both myself and the business community. At miniEnterprize 2019, I sincerely hope to create an experience that will be as life-changing for you as it was for me.

Be sure to take advantage of what our unique conference has to offer. On the day of miniE, challenge yourself - step outside of your comfort zone! Try starting a conversation with the stranger beside you or giving a presentation in front of hundreds of people. Although it may seem scary at first, you will be glad you took that risk by the end of the day.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me or any other member on the team. On behalf of the entire Executive Team, thank you for your interest in miniEnterprize, and we look forward to seeing you in February!


Megan Syho
miniEnterprize 2019

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