United Nations Children's Fund


Topic A

Proliferation of Child Smugglers in Southeastern Asia

Originated in the 1400s in Europe, child smuggling is depicted as the recruitment and transportation to be exploited, then forced to work. This includes the acts of sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labour in factories and forced criminal affiliation. For example, children are sold to brothels to become sex workers, or to local factories that force them into intense underpaid labour. These horrors are lasting and often follow every child for life.

A recent International Labour Organization (ILO) report shows that around 1.2 million children may be trafficked every year, and across more than 100 countries. No country is immune to child trafficking. In many cases, desperate migrants hire smugglers for passage into foreign nations or regions, but are tricked into sex trade or marriage. The reason behind child smuggling is quite basic; child trafficking generates billions of dollars for the perpetrators, at the cost of devastating lives around the world.

Topic B

Reformation of Educational Curriculums to Reduce Student Absenteeism

Student absenteeism has multifaceted links, mechanisms, and impacts. There are several categories of people who are most affected by the curriculum and thus do not attend school, and their are various outcomes – some quit school indefinitely, while others suffer from ‘chronic absenteeism’ (Chronic absenteeism is typically defined as missing 10 percent or more of a school year – approximately 18 days a year, or just two days every month).

On a global average, around 84 percent of children attend secondary school. In lower income countries, that average drops to around 70 percent. In the span of just five years until 2015, out-of-school children’s population in lower secondary school age decreased from 97 million to 62 million, but progress has slowed since 2007.


Dais team

Ellen Li


Megan Syho


Tony Zhang




Composed of an elected 36 member states, the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund is an international program devoted to protecting the wellbeing of children all around the globe. At this iteration of PacificMUN, the committee will consist of a maximum of 50 delegates. Under the mechanism of global efforts, UNICEF ensures that the most vulnerable and powerless global citizens, being children, received the assistance their marginalization necessitates.

Food, healthcare, protection and education are only the beginning of what UNICEF as an organisation aims to provide for children all around the globe – through the systems of United Nations subsidiaries and donors. UNICEF acts not only as a monetarily aiding charity, but also oversees intrinsic humanitarian aid to families caught in conflicts. UNICEF works as an organ under the General Assembly, and the Convention of the Rights of the Child functions as the underlying building block of all their goals. Such documents prioritize the quintessential development of our future generations. By granting access to underprivileged youth across nations, UNICEF ensures that teachings such as gender and racial equality, and the ability to work self-sufficiently. The United Nations Children Emergency Fund will provide a impactful, far reaching, and absolutely unforgettable debate – branching from life-threatening crises and systemic forms of disenfranchisement.