United Nations Security Council


Topic A

The Armenian-Azerbaijan Conflict

Despite occurring nearly 30 years ago, the political ramifications from the collapse of the Soviet Union can still be felt today. Perhaps one of the most long-lasting and of these ramifications remains the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the states of Azerbaijan and Armenia have fought over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh residing inside the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan.

Before the conflict, during the rule of the Soviet Union, the region of Nagorno-Karabakh was home to a mix of Azeris and Armenians with the Armenians representing 3/4ths majority of the populations. When Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev implemented his policy of Glasnost “openness” upon coming to power in 1985 allowing for criticism of the Soviet system, the leaders of the Regional Soviet of Karabakh decided to vote in favor of unifying the autonomous region with Armenia. This would ignite ethnic tensions resulting in the Nagorno-Karabakh war between the majority ethnic Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh backed by the Republic of Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Topic B

The Kashmir Conflict

“Lasting peace between [Pakistan and India] can only be attained through solving the Kashmir issue.” - Khawaja Asif, Foreign Minister of Pakistan

Since their inception with the partition of the former British Raj in 1947, the state of Pakistan and India have pitted against each other. Perhaps no dispute between these two states has been a greater source of conflict than the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Kashmir Valley and the area of Jammu are home to a diverse group of people with different religious backgrounds. As such, the areas have long been contested by three countries: India, Pakistan, and China. The contention over the region began with the partition of the British Raj into the states of Pakistan and India


Dais team

Tamerlan Nuhiyev


Fiona Reuter




The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the primary organ of the United Nations responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security.

The UNSC is made up of 15 member states, with five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. The permanent members, known as the P5, are the United States, China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom. Each of the P5 possesses the power to veto any substantive UNSC resolutions. Non-permanent members are elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly.

The UNSC holds a special place in the UN, as it is the only body with the power to make decisions that other members are obligated to follow. Under the UN Charter, all member states agree to accept and carry out decisions made by the UNSC. Should a peaceful comprise not be possible the UNSC has the power, should it judge appropriate, to dispatch peacekeepers, enforce economic sanctions, severe diplomatic relations, or even pursuing collective military action. The high pressure situations which the UNSC deals with along with the aspect of veto power makes the UNSC a true challenge for and delegate. The UNSC is an advanced committee, featuring fast-paced developments and a high level of debate.