United States Senate


Topic A

Affirmative Action Policies in Post-Secondary Education

In the general term of the phrase “affirmative action policies”, it tends to mean “those in which and institution or organization actively engages in efforts to improve opportunities for historically excluded groups” (NCSL). The phrase was first coined by President John F. Kennedy in an executive order for employment purposes in regards to race, creed, color, or national origin.

Policies were initially focused on improving opportunities for African-Americans in employment and education. For example, the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954 outlawed school segregation.

Topic B

Reformation of Gun Laws

The reformation of gun laws within the United States has become an increasingly relevant issue in recent times. The second amendment of the constitution of the United States that “the right of people to keep and bear arms” (Legal Information Institute, Cornell). This allows all people within the United States to legally keep and bear arms, however, in recent times the interconnected violence throughout the United States has had many citizens calling for gun reformation laws.

It is pertinent for the United States Senate to find a solution to an issue that continues to tear the nation apart - one that is also sustainable and long-term.


Dais team

Siddharth Shende


Irene Zhang


Hariette Zhang



US Senate

The United States Senate is one of the two houses of the legislature in the United States. Alongside the House of Representatives, the US Senate is responsible for all the lawmaking in the United States. The US Senate was founded on July 16, 1787, by the framers of the constitution – to represent all the states equally by the senators (unlike the House of Representatives). The Senate can propose legislation and even debate and propose bills.

Each senator represents the people living in his/her state of the United States. The Senate can also give opinions on the current president, and if need be, vote on the impeachment of the said president. Most importantly, the role of the Senate is to make sure that each person’s views are being heard through the type of legislative bills that are being passed – albeit for security, the economy, healthcare etc. In addition, the US Senate can review, approve, and even reject presidential appointees to executive and judicial branches. The US Senate and all of its proceedings and bills passed are crucial to upholding the very constitutional framework that the United States was built on.